
The mouse data of a player


Name Type Description
XNumberThe x position of the mouse
YNumberThe y position of the mouse
ScreenSizeXNumberThe width of the player's viewport (screen)
ScreenSizeYNumberThe height of the player's viewport (screen)
HitPositionVector3The hit point from the mouse's ray cast
HitNormalVector3The normal of the surface hit from the mouse's ray cast
OriginCDataCData that describes the player's camera position and direction of the mouse
TargetPartThe part that the mouse is over


Name Returns Description


Name Description
LeftButtonDownFires when the left mouse button is pressed
LeftButtonUpFires when the left mouse button is released
RightButtonDownFires when the right mouse button is pressed
RightButtonUpFires when the right mouse button is pressed
MoveFires when the mouse is moved
ScrollForwardFires when the scrollwheel is moved forward
ScrollBackwardFires when the scrollwheel is moved backward